
Special Effects Fishbowl Hair Dye Gallery!

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Want to dye your hair Special Effects Fishbowl? Below are photos of those who have already dyed their hair special effects fishbowl and how they did it. Then once you've dyed your hair, send us a picture! Pictures are for use on our site only. We will not sell or distribute them to anyone else. Send pics of your whole head or just a small part. We cannot accept photos of other people without their permission. Include information about the product:

Kayli- Hair Dye used: Special Effects Fishbowl

i started off all dark brown, I bleached the top and dyed it just using the Special Effects Fishbowl. and in the middle of all the blue, i did a dark brown patch to make it kinda pop more. The pic in the black tank top is the day i did it, the one in the gray shirt is a week after i did it. :]



Ananda_ Hair dye used: Special Effects Fishbowl

This is fishbowl over bleached hair

Charlotte- Hair Dye used: Special Effects Fish Bowl

I used Special FX Fishbowl over bleached hair, the brown is my natural color and i bleached it a lighter yellow. This is about two washes after the initial dye and on me the color lasts about a month before i need to re-dye it. It lasts way longer than other dyes I have used with a similar color.

Jenice- Hair Dye used: Special Effects Fishbowl

I started out with dark black hair and bleached it on the bottom. In these photos it has been a week since I dyed it. It's great I love it and certainly recommend it :].


Katie- Hair Dye used: Special Effects Fishbowl, Pimpin Purple, Cupcake Pink

i used special effects hair dye, fishbowl, cupcake pink on the top, and pimpin' purple on the bottom. my hair is origonally dark brown, i bleached it on the top and bottom. this picture wa taken a few hours after being dyed.



Stacy- Hair Dye used: Special Effects Fishbowl, Cupcake Pink

Hair color: Fishbowl and Cupcake pink (Special Effects).
Application: Did two slices of pink on either side and in the bang and covered with foil then followed by coloring the rest of my hair turquoise.
Started with: Bleached my hair out with 20vol peroxide (professionally done).
How long since colored: freshly dyed.

Miranda- Hair Dye used: Special Effects Cupcake Pink, Fishbowl

I used special effects hair dye for this.
Pic 1 & 2 I used cupcake pink, and fishbowl, I picked random chunks of it
and dye'd them cupcake pink, and the rest of my hair I dyed fishbowl.
My hair before I dyed it was light blonde. I did bleach my hair first.
I dye my hair all the time.


Shiloh_ Hair Dyes used: Special Effects Fish Bowl, Blue Mayhem

In this photo I've just put in Special Effects Fishbowl and Blue Mayhem over freshly bleached blond hair. I used the Fishbowl on the top layers, and the Blue Mayhem on the bottom layers, and a mixture of the two dyes on the middle layers.

Miss Lolo- Hair Dye used: Special Effects Fishbowl and Joyride

She bleached her hair first which was a light brown originally.
Dyed Special Effects Fishbowl and Joyride in layers.

Tyree- Hair Dye used: Special Effects FishBowl

I used Special Effects' "Fishbowl." It was applied onto hair bleached to a golden blond.
The first picture was taken immediately after dying it, the second about a week later.
The third was taken a couple of days ago, roughly two months after dying it with no touch-ups.
As you can see, it's fading a bit green. Time to redo it. :)

Electrolux-Hair Dye used: Special Effects Fishbowl, Atomic Pink

BRAND: Special Effects (I swear by this stuff!)
COLORS: Fish Bowl & Atomic Pink
Before I started, I bleached my hair to white-blonde (still visible in the photograph). I've been blessed with naturally light hair so getting it white has never been a problem. In this photo, the dye is about a week old. To keep the colours bright, I always wash my hair in cold water, and mix a little bit of dye in with my shampoo when the colour needs refreshing.
PHOTO CREDITS: Photo for futurstate.com by zaiden.com. Makeup Artist: stellardesignz.ca. Hairstylist: hairbot.com.

Laura- Hair Dye used: Special Effects Atomic Pink, Blue Mayhem, Fishbowl

My hair was a white blonde before I dyed it, except for where the pink is. It was still a faded Atomic Pink in that area. I used Atomic Pink, Wild Flower, Blue Mayhem and Fishbowl, all from Special Effects. This was taken about a day or two after I dyed it. The pink has lasted for over four months, but all the other colours faded in about 3-4 weeks. I loved having my hair like this, and I'm very glad that your shop carries the products I like! :)


Kellymonsterr; Hair Dye used: special Effects

The first picture was dyed with Special Effects: Atomic Pink and Fishbowl, Punky Colour: Bright Yellow.
The second and third pictures were done with Special Effects: Atomic Pink, Fishbowl, and Limelight.
The fourth was done with Special Effects: Atomic Pink.

My hair was red before I started dying it at all, but i've had plenty of colors in it before. I never bleach my hair, it's bad for it, I just go to the store and get the lightest blonde I could find and did it with that. My hair wasn't really that dark to begin with, so it wasn't hard to get it blonde. It's been about a month a a half since i've done my hair and the last thing i've done to it was my pink roots, there's still pink in it. :]

Amy and friend-Hair Dye used: Special Effects Joy Ride, Deep Purple and Fishbowl

My name is amy and i use special effects on lots of my clients but i used it for the first time
on myself and im still in love with it!! This is the joy ride after 2 weeks of constant shampooing
still perfectly bright!!! love it! My hair was dark brown and i bleached it to a light orange

And the other one is of my client using deep purple and fishbowl. I had to bleach it out pretty light for the fishbowl.


Brooce- Hair Dye used: Special Effects Atomic Pink and Fishbowl

Pictures 1 : Hair dye used: Special Effects Atomic pink and Fishbowl (+offbrand colorenhancer)I started out with Atomic Pink, which I'd let grow out for 2-3 months.My roots are dark brown, and I bleached those to a light blond withquick blue powder and a 40 vol. creme developer, and dyed everything but the tips (which I left pink) with a mixture of Fishbowl and a Clairolblue color enhancer. Let sit for 2 hours, rinsed with cold water.Photo was taken 24 hours after original dyeing.Picture 2: Hair dye used:Special Effects Atomic pink I used quick blue powder and 40 vol. developer to bleach my dark brownhair to light blonde, washed, dryed, put in the Atomic pink, left it foran hour, and rinsed with cold water.


Amy K's Hair stylin- Hair Dye used: Special Effects listed below!

Hi im a stylist - here are pictures from my clients.
The first one was done on bleached hair with the fish bowl
The second is some cherry bomb, fishbowl, electric blue and atomic pink
I absolutely love this colour line i just cant get enough
thanks alot


Karen-Hair Dye used: Special Effects Fishbowl

I have dyed my hair using Special Effects hair dye for about 4 years,
including but not limited to fishbowl, electric
lue, blue mayhem, and deep purple. I use one dye at a time, no layering
or mixing, etc. My hair is naturally a very dark brown, so of course I
must bleach it with 40 volume before dying.


Becca- Special Effects Fishbowl and Purple Smoke over bleached hair


From Becky's Beauty Hut, emporium, Pa- Special Effects Fish Bowl, Cupcake Pink

Fish Bowl on dark natural hair, Cupcake Pink on bleached roots


Tonks- Hair Dye used- Special Effects Fishbowl and Blue Mayhem

I usually use any and all colors I think will look good together. In this pic, I used SE Fishbowl and SE Blue Mayhem. I usually dye each color seperate so they don't run together (unless I want them to) and then if I want some "blending" between colors, I will go back and dye over the spot lightly.


Rainbow colors: Special Effects Atomic Pink, Napalm Orange, Bright As F@#$ Yellow, Limelight, and Fishbowl.

It had been around a month since I last dyed it. For the rainbow, the same bleaching process/ingredients as above were used. This one was kind of tricky. I judged it by eye (how I do most of my hair) and started with the front, by applying color, and then wrapping that section in tin foil. I did that with all five colors. The pink and orange lasted around three or four weeks. The green, yellow and blue lasted around two.


Hair Dye used: Manic Panic Ultra Violet, Special Effects eEectric Blue, Blue Mayhem, and Fishbowl

Methods used: My hair is naturally light brown, but I haven't seen it in thirteen years. I bleached my hair first using a 20vol. developer, it became a light blonde and still had some light pink in it (from using Atomic Pink previously). Then I just randomly sectioned it off with clips, and dyed each section an individual color. Fishbowl is on top, Ultraviolet is in the front, the Blue mayhem and Electric blue covers the rest, with a few more random pieces of fishbowl! I blow dried it all over and waited about an hour before rinsing.
Photos were taken about a day after dying.



Hair Dye used: Special Effects Midnight Blue, Fishbowl, Electric Blue, Pimpin Purple &
Punky Colour Plum

I used Punky Colour Plum & Midnight Blue, and Special Effects Fishbowl.
Plum was added to the roots of some very faded Special Effects PimpinPurple (done before w/ bleached hair).
For the blue part, it was overfaded Special Effects Electric Blue that I bleached it more,
plus someroots, allowing the previous blue to become very light, while letting the roots stop at a normal yellow.
Added Fishbowl over it all, then added some Midnight Blue to the ends.This picture is a couple days after dyeing.




Hair Dye used- Special Effects Fishbowl

My name is Alex and these pictures are of Special Effects Fishbowl.The first one is about a week after dyeing it.
The next, after 3-4 months. My hair is a medium brown normally so I bleached it first.





Hair Dye used- Special Effects Fishbowl(lighter blue) and Special Effects Wildflower

The pics are of Special Effects Fishbowl and Wild Flower over bleached hair.
The pictures were taken the day of or day after dying. The colors stayed lovely and bright for weeks!


Hair Dye used: Special Effects Fishbowl

I absolutely love Special Effects' Fishbowl Blue. Since I have dyed dark brown hair, I took your 40 Bleach kit and bleached a chunk of hair on one side. After applying the fishbowl, by parting it differently I was able to get a really cool hi-lighted effect on the normally plain side. It looks awesome in my hair, lasted for about two months (this photo was taken about 5 weeks after dying), and I got several compliments on it. Despite suggestions to keep my hair natural (I'm a model, and unnaturally colored hair often doesn't go over well), I've found that the biggest compliments I get come from makeup artists and photographers that I work with! I'd definitely recommend any Special Effects dye, but Fishbowl is now a favorite on my list. Thanks again!


Hair Dye used- Special Effects Fishbowl and Atomic Pink

This is my hair with Fishbowl all over the top and Atomic Pink on the bottom. Both were Special Effects. Before I dyed my hair, it was all bleached blonde, with a really light faded out pinktint in some places. The picture was taken a week after i dyed it.



-Kumis -Special Effects Atomic Pink and Fishbowl

My natural hair color is black, but I bleached it until getting it almost white.
I dyed my hair with Atomic Pink and Fish Bowl From Special Effects, this photo was taken about 4 weeks later after I dyed it.



Heather- Hair Dye used- Special Effects Fishbowl

I stripped Nuclear Red off to a pale yellow.
Washed it with dawn dish detergent and blow dryed it and put Fishbowl by Special Effects on it.
Left it on for 3 hours after blowdrying 3 minutes


Here's Sarah,
This is with Special Effects brand Atomic Pink on the bangs, Hi-Octane Orange on the sides, and a mixture of Limelight and Fishbowl on the top, all over pre-bleached hair. First pic is three weeks after dyeing. The little pic is right after dyeing.




Hair Dye used-Special Effects Cupcake Pink and Fishbowl

My name is Bekki and I have been dying my hair for over 6 years using a variety of things from bingo dabber, to food color, to hair dye. My favorite hair dye is definitly Special Effects. My hair in the picture was bleached to get the colors to stick better. The pink is Cupcake pink by Special Effects and the green is fishbowl green by special effects. That is a fresh dye job, only hours old. I was running low on fishbowl which is why it isn't as vibrant. My natural hair color is a dark brown.



Hair Dye used- Special Effects Pimpin Purple, Fishbowl, and Blue Mayhem

Hi, my name is Margo . I've been dyeing my hair for about 13 years. I bleached my hair beforehand so the dye would be bright. I used three colors of Special Effects: the front section is Pimpin Purple, the stripe in the middle is Fish Bowl Blue, the back is Blue Mayhem. Some of the Fishbowl was layered on top of the Pimpin Purple which is why there is dark blue around the stripe.This was taken a day after I'd dyed it.



Eron- Hair Dye used: Special Effects Fishbowl (after a month and a half)

I first had dark brown hair that I bleached for about an hour to a light yellow blonde. I then used Special Effects Fishbowl on the top of my head, using a blow dryer for greater effect. It has now been about a month and a half, so it is fading, but it lasted quite a long time.