Send us your pics! or Put them on Facebook! Like :) our page and
add your pictures
We are looking for bright
pictures of YOU with new Arctic Fox or Sparks Hair dye, OR New Manic Panic's
Blue Steel or Punky's Blonde Toner! Send us a picture to show the world
how it looks. Pictures are for use on our site and our facebook page.
All photos should be Arctic Fox or Sparks or Manic Panic Blue Steel or Punky
Blonde Toner. Send pics of your whole head or just a small part. We cannot accept
photos of other people without their permission. Discount is for one time only.
LImit 6 bottles on order. Include information about the product:
Order hair dye here!
Think Pink- All Pink Pics here!
Ooh Ooh! Green and Blue Pics here!
Red and Orange and Yellow, Oh My! See Hair pics here!